As a teenager I had pretty bad acne. Starting on the birth control pill in my 20s helped that a lot. Now that I'm 48 my skin is pretty OK. I have a few scars, but I haven't seen a real zit in years. One problem I do have now though is whiteheads. I get them around my nose and chin. But late last year I found one in my ear! I couldn't see it of course, but I could sure feel it and it felt HUGE. My sister confirmed for me that it was a whitehead. So I started some research online to see what would clear it up. There wasn't a lot of information on what would do the trick, but I did manage to find something that mentioned two ingredients that would work - Resorcinol and Sulfer. And the only over the counter product I found that has that combination? Clearasil StayClear® Adult Acne Treatment Cream. Only that formulation of Clearasil works. I had to shop around to find it. Walmart and CVS didn't have it. Walgreens did. I started applying it twice a day, morning and night. It has a little bit of a sulfer smell which isn't very pleasant. The nights I put it on my chin, I could smell it after I went to bed. But this stuff WORKS like a champ. After using it religiously in my ear for three weeks, one day I went to apply it, and I felt this small dry area in my ear, and when I scrached it lightly, that was the end of the whitehead. It was GONE. And the big, deep whitehead on my chin simply disappeared. This stuff rocks. So if you're plagued by whiteheads and don't want to squeeze or pay to have them professionally removed, get Clearasil StayClear® Adult Acne Treatment Cream.